Audios & Videos

Audios and Video address the Rules.  Planned topics include:

Love – “Take your time!”
Our need for community and its significance for business and society as a whole. How to measure Love. examples, the Rules, and their implementation: “Take your time!” and “Time binds!”

Means – “Empower others and others will empower you!”
Our need for opportunities. How to measure Means and power, examples, the Rules and their implementation: “Empower otheres, and others will empower you!” and”Do to him (m, f, d) what you’d like him to do to you!” Hence, the Golden Rule in a new coat.

Value – “Look for common ground!”
Our need for explanations. How to measure Value, examples, the Rule and its implementation: “Look for common ground!”

As we meet it in business, society and history.

The Rules in Management
More and also less inspiring examples

The Rules in Human Resources
Why intelligence, educatioan and loyality are not in demand.

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